What Is The Twice-Blessed Sale?
Learn more from an article published in The Courier newspaper.
We are a non-profit ministry that endeavors to help families find the children's items they need at a price they can afford.
The Twice-Blessed Sale began in Findlay at the First Church of the Nazarene in the spring of 2006.
It began with just a few dozen shoppers and has grown to thousands. It remains a semi-annual event that hundreds of families come back each spring and fall for their child's clothing, furniture, toys, and more. Each sale, we also offer plenty of baked goodies for just a few dollars. This bake sale benefits ministries within the church, such as youth group, music and missions trips. We are thankful for the opportunity to bless other ministries within our church through the Twice Blessed Sale.
We offer well over 13,000 items at every sale!
Have extra children's items?